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Build Good Will Towards Your Business With Community Green Projects
By Rick Walker
Building good will towards your company is the best way to develop community loyalty to your service or product. Doing it in a way that is beneficial to the environment makes the world a healthier place, but how can a Texas make their community a better place?

It doesn't always have to have anything to do with your business. Just being a part of events and activities promotes your as being a concerned member of the community. Others see your involvement and know that you are a company that cares. Joining the USGBC, the U.S. Green Building Council, is another way of being visible and active in the concerns of your community.

Make no secret of your green building dedication and carefully monitor every aspect of how your company is built, the sustainable energy or products it uses, and how it disposes of waste. These are obvious things you can do as a company, but what can your do for the community to advance a 'green spirit' and promote yourself as a responsible member of the area, and the Earth? You can start a community garden.

Victory gardens, where communities came together to grow healthy foods free of hazardous products, helped to create a spirit of togetherness and purpose during the

difficult war years of WWI and WWII. They can do the same thing now during our war against pollution and environmental hazards. Being a part of such a community effort puts your name out at the forefront as a that cares about the Texas people.

If you have a piece of land that isn't being used and would be fitting for a garden plot, consider donating it. If you don't have land but know of someplace that would work well, find a way to make it happen by either purchasing the plot or working to have it donated to the community to feed the needy. Once you have a place, don't forget to dig in and get dirty. Being an active part of the building and developing of the garden will put you in direct contact with those you wish to become endeared to—the people of your community.

Once the garden starts to grow and blossom, donate the produce to needy families in the Texas areas. Not only will this help strengthen the bonds of community and business, it will help others at the same time. The best way to create goodwill with the people of your community is to have your name be associated with caring and giving back to the area as a whole. As well, it shows your devotion to being a good steward to the land and the people that live there.
Copyright 2009 - 2010 Green Efficient - Article may be reproduced, as is, as long as author attributes remain. Rick Walker is a LEED-AP and CEO of greenefficient.com, and focuses on green building and LEED certification for business owners. He lives in Houston, Texas and works with the maintenance and operations aspects of LEED facilities throughout Texas. For more information on LEED, green building and sustainable living, visit his blog at: theleed.com


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