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Should Your Business Card Design Resemble Your Website?
By Frank Salsa
Designing the right card can be a challenge. After all, you need a card that will not only give the person your contact information, but help you to create your image as well.

When considering whether or not your card design should resemble your website, the short answer is yes. Here is a look at why.


One of the most important things that your card does, besides allowing someone to easily access your contact information, is that it gives them an instant impression of your business. Part of creating that image is branding, or creating a recognizable product and logo. If you are using certain design elements on your website, it can be very helpful to use these same design elements on your cards, office stationary, and other products.

For example, one thing that you will want to do is to choose a logo for your business. This logo should be everywhere – your website, your cards, your invoices, and of course, on your product. Over time, customers will be able to see just that logo and know exactly what you are advertising.

Other Design Considerations

There are other design elements beyond your logo that you will want to include in your card. Remember, you want your card to stand out to people so that they are more likely to call you first over other professionals in the same business.

• Color

– Color is an important aspect to consider when designing your card. Many professional cards are white, but if your website has a prevailing color scheme, you may find it useful to choose something that matches. Just use caution to make sure that you can still read your contact information on the color you choose.
• Font – If you use one font style throughout your website, you can consider using this same font on your card. Just make sure that the font is legible even in smaller print.
• Graphics – If you do not have a logo for your business, consider using graphics that go along with what you do. For example, if you are a maid, you could consider using a vacuum or a feather duster. A computer technician might have a computer or a mouse on his. Or you could use a nice photograph of yourself.
• Card stock – Avoid printing up your own cards. While this may seem like a money saver, home printing kits leave you with fuzzy edges that offer a less than professional image. Spend the extra money to have your cards professionally printed. The weight and texture of the card can also be used to reflect the type of that you do.

It is important to remember that, like your website, your card is an extension of your business. For both, you want to go out of your way to choose design elements that give you a professional and trustworthy appearance.
Make sure your business cards create the best impression for you and your company. Learn about PsPrint’s printing services that can help you leverage your business cards for maximum returns.


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And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our business opportunities website.

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